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Optimizing Your Business's Charging Infrastructure: The Ultimate Checklist for Installing EV Chargers

Written by Lisa Nemeroff | Jun 13, 2023 3:03:59 PM

Are you a business considering the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers on your property? Look no further with our step-by-step checklist that covers all the crucial aspects you need to consider. From assessing parking demand and analyzing patterns to evaluating electrical capacity and optimizing charger placement, we've got you covered. We also delve into determining charging speeds, estimating the number of chargers required, planning for future expansion, and the importance of seeking professional guidance. Whether you're a small business or a large corporation, this checklist is your go-to resource for successfully implementing EV charging infrastructure and reaping the benefits it brings.

1.    Evaluate Parking Demand:
To determine the parking demand for EV charging, consider the following steps:
a. Assess the Number of Electric Vehicle Owners:
Survey your employees, customers, or residents to identify those who own electric vehicles.
Gather data on the number of electric vehicles currently in use or expected to be in use within your target audience.
b. Analyze Charging Needs:
Determine the typical charging behavior of electric vehicle owners.
Assess if they require daily charging, occasional charging, or a mix of both.
c. Consider Future EV Adoption:
Take into account the anticipated growth of electric vehicle adoption in your area.
Research local and national trends to understand the expected increase in the number of electric vehicles over time.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a commercial property with 200 employees and want to evaluate the parking demand for EV charging. After conducting a survey, you find that approximately 15% of your employees own electric vehicles. That would equate to 30 potential EV owners in your workforce.

Considering that these employees may require daily charging, you can estimate the need for a sufficient number of charging stations to accommodate their charging needs. Additionally, research local EV adoption rates and market projections to gauge the potential growth of EV ownership among your employees in the future.

By evaluating the parking demand for EV charging in this manner, you can gain insights into the potential user base, estimate the charging requirements, and make informed decisions on the number and location of EV chargers to meet the needs of your property.

2.    Analyze Parking Patterns:
Understanding parking patterns is crucial for determining the optimal locations for EV charger installations. Consider the following steps:
a. Identify High-Traffic Areas:
Observe and analyze parking areas with high foot traffic or longer-duration parking, such as employee parking lots, customer parking zones, or residential parking areas.
Identify spaces where vehicles are typically parked for an extended period, creating an opportunity for EV charging.
b. Assess Accessibility:
Ensure that the chosen locations for EV chargers are easily accessible for users.
Evaluate the proximity to entrances, common areas, and amenities to enhance convenience and user experience.
c. Consider Traffic Flow and Safety:
Take into account the impact of EV charger installations on traffic flow within the parking area.
Ensure that the placement of chargers does not obstruct or impede the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
Prioritize safety by considering visibility, appropriate signage, and avoiding hazardous locations.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a shopping center with a large parking lot and want to analyze parking patterns to determine suitable locations for EV chargers. By monitoring the parking lot over a period, you observe that the spaces closest to the main entrance and near popular stores experience high traffic and longer-duration parking.

Based on this analysis, you can identify these areas as potential locations for EV charger installations. These spots offer convenient access for EV owners and increase the visibility of the charging infrastructure, making it more appealing and user-friendly.

By analyzing parking patterns in this way, you can strategically place EV chargers in high-traffic areas where vehicles tend to park for longer durations, maximizing the usage of the charging stations and providing a valuable amenity to EV owners.

3.    Assess Electrical Capacity:
Assessing the electrical capacity of your property is essential to determine if it can support the installation of EV chargers. Consider the following steps:
a. Consult with an Electrician or Electrical Engineer:
Engage the expertise of an electrician or electrical engineer to assess the electrical infrastructure of your property.  They can evaluate the existing electrical capacity and infrastructure to determine if it can handle the additional load from EV chargers.
b. Evaluate Existing Electrical Panels and Transformers:
Determine the capacity of your electrical panels and transformers to understand the available power supply.
Check if there is spare capacity or if upgrades or modifications are required to support the EV charging load.
c. Consider Load Management Strategies:
If the existing electrical capacity is limited, explore load management strategies such as load balancing or demand response programs.  These strategies help optimize energy usage and prevent overloading the electrical system.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a commercial property and want to assess the electrical capacity for installing EV chargers. You consult with an electrician who inspects the electrical panels and transformers on-site. They inform you that the current electrical capacity allows for some spare capacity to accommodate the additional load from EV chargers.

Based on this assessment, you can conclude that your property has the electrical capacity to support the installation of EV chargers without the need for significant upgrades or modifications. However, it's essential to consult with professionals to ensure accurate and comprehensive evaluation of your property's electrical capacity.

By assessing the electrical capacity in this manner, you can determine if your property has the necessary electrical infrastructure to handle the additional load from EV chargers. This evaluation helps you plan for any required upgrades and ensures a safe and reliable charging infrastructure for EV owners.

4.    Consider Charging Speeds:
Choosing the appropriate charging speeds for your EV chargers is crucial to meet the needs of your users and align with your electrical capacity. Consider the following steps:
a. Determine User Requirements:
Assess the charging needs and preferences of your target audience, such as employees, customers, or residents.
Consider if they require faster charging speeds for quick turnaround or if slower charging speeds are sufficient for longer parking durations.
b. Evaluate Electrical Capacity:
Determine the electrical capacity of your property and the maximum charging speeds it can support.
Ensure that the charging speeds chosen for your EV chargers align with the available electrical infrastructure.
c. Balance Charging Speeds:
Strike a balance between offering fast charging speeds and maximizing the number of charging stations within your available electrical capacity.
Consider a mix of charging speeds, such as offering a combination of Level 2 chargers (slower) and DC fast chargers (faster), depending on the requirements of your users and the electrical capacity.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a corporate office building with limited electrical capacity and want to consider the charging speeds for EV chargers. After evaluating the charging needs of your employees, you find that they typically require longer-duration charging during work hours.

Given the electrical capacity limitations, you decide to install Level 2 chargers with a moderate charging speed that can adequately meet the charging needs of your employees without overwhelming the electrical infrastructure. This approach allows you to provide sufficient charging capacity while staying within the available electrical capacity.

By considering charging speeds in this manner, you can choose the appropriate charging infrastructure that balances the needs of your users with your property's electrical capacity. This ensures an efficient and reliable charging experience for EV owners while maximizing the use of available resources.

5.    Optimize Charger Placement:
Strategic placement of EV chargers is essential for maximizing convenience, visibility, and safety. Consider the following steps:
a. Identify High-Visibility Locations:
Choose prominent locations within your property that are easily visible and accessible to users.
Place chargers in areas with high foot traffic or near prominent entrances to increase their visibility and encourage usage.
b. Consider Proximity to Amenities:
Locate chargers near amenities or facilities that attract users, such as entrances, lobbies, common areas, or shopping centers.
Ensure that EV owners can conveniently access chargers without disrupting the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
c. Ensure Safety and Accessibility:
Prioritize the safety and accessibility of charger placement.
Avoid obstructing walkways, fire exits, or emergency access points.
Ensure that chargers are installed at a height and location that allows easy access for users, including those with disabilities.
d. Weather Protection:
Provide adequate weather protection for chargers and users.
Consider installing chargers under covered structures or providing canopies to shield them from direct exposure to harsh weather conditions.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a residential complex and want to optimize the placement of EV chargers. After careful consideration, you decide to install chargers near the main entrances and communal areas of the complex.

By placing the chargers in these high-visibility locations, you ensure that residents have easy access to charging facilities without having to travel far from their homes. Additionally, you provide a safe and well-lit environment for EV owners to use the chargers.

By optimizing charger placement in this manner, you enhance the visibility, convenience, and accessibility of EV chargers within your property. This encourages more usage, creates a positive user experience, and promotes the adoption of electric vehicles among residents or users.

6.    Estimate Number of Chargers:
Determining the number of EV chargers needed is crucial to meet the charging demand of your users while considering available space and electrical capacity. Consider the following steps:
a. Assess Parking Demand:
Evaluate the number of electric vehicle owners among your target audience, such as employees, customers, or residents.
Estimate the charging requirements based on the expected number of EV owners and their charging patterns.
b. Consider Charging Speed and Occupancy Rate:
Determine the desired charging speed for your chargers based on user needs and electrical capacity.
Consider the occupancy rate of parking spaces to estimate the utilization of chargers during different times of the day.
c. Calculate the Optimal Number:
Consider the charging speed, desired occupancy rate, and available electrical capacity to calculate the optimal number of chargers.
Take into account factors like future EV adoption, anticipated growth, and potential expansion of the charging infrastructure.
d. Allow for Scalability:
Plan for future growth and scalability by allocating space and electrical capacity for potential additional chargers.
Consider the flexibility to expand the charging infrastructure as the number of electric vehicles increases over time.
Use Case:
Suppose you manage a commercial office building with 200 parking spaces and want to estimate the number of EV chargers needed. After conducting a survey, you find that approximately 20% of your employees own electric vehicles, which corresponds to 40 potential EV owners in your workforce.

Considering the charging needs of these employees and their typical parking duration, you estimate that having 10 EV chargers with a mix of Level 2 and DC fast chargers would adequately serve the charging demand. Additionally, you allocate space and electrical capacity to allow for future expansion, keeping in mind the potential growth of EV ownership in your building.

By estimating the number of chargers in this manner, you can ensure that you have a sufficient number of charging stations to meet the demand of your users while considering available space, electrical capacity, and potential future growth. This enables you to provide an efficient and effective charging infrastructure for your property.

7.    Plan for Future Expansion:
Planning for future expansion is essential to accommodate the anticipated growth in EV adoption and ensure scalability of your charging infrastructure. Consider the following steps:
a. Anticipate Future EV Adoption:
Stay informed about the projected growth of electric vehicles in your area or industry.
Consider market trends, government incentives, and technological advancements that may drive increased EV adoption.
b. Allocate Space and Electrical Capacity:
Reserve additional space and electrical capacity to accommodate potential future expansion of your charging infrastructure.
Ensure that the electrical infrastructure can support the increased load and that there is physical room for additional chargers.
c. Evaluate Modular and Scalable Solutions:
Explore modular charging solutions that allow for easy expansion and scalability.
Consider the ability to add or remove chargers as demand fluctuates and the number of electric vehicles increases.
d. Plan for Upgrades and Enhancements:
Stay updated on advancements in EV charging technology and industry standards.
Plan for potential upgrades or enhancements to your charging infrastructure to meet evolving needs and emerging technologies.

Use Case:
Suppose you manage a retail shopping center and want to plan for future expansion of your EV charging infrastructure. After conducting market research, you find that the adoption of electric vehicles is projected to increase significantly over the next five years in your region.

In anticipation of this growth, you allocate extra space in your parking area for future charger installations. You work with an electrical engineer to ensure that the electrical infrastructure is designed to support the increased demand and that there is flexibility to expand the charging capacity as needed.

By planning for future expansion in this manner, you position your property to adapt to the evolving landscape of electric mobility. This allows you to meet the increasing demand for EV charging and stay ahead of the curve in supporting sustainable transportation options.

Remember to regularly review and reassess your expansion plans to align with the latest market trends and technological advancements, ensuring that your charging infrastructure remains up-to-date and capable of accommodating future growth.

8.    Seek Professional Guidance:
Consult with EV charging experts, electrical contractors, or specialized service providers to assess your specific property and obtain professional recommendations. 

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