Recharge and Relax: Why EV Charging is a Must-Have Amenity for EV Travelers & Hotels

As the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, so does the need for EV charging infrastructure. This presents a unique opportunity for hotels to offer a valuable service to their guests while also gaining a competitive advantage in the hospitality industry. In this blog post, we will explore the many benefits of installing EV chargers on hotel properties, including increased brand awareness, brand affiliation with environmental consciousness, potential revenue generation, and enhanced revenue from other hotel amenities. We will also discuss the return on investment (ROI) of installing EV chargers and how hotels can leverage this technology to attract and retain customers in the increasingly competitive hospitality industry.
Offering EV chargers can give hotels a significant competitive advantage over other hotels that don't have them. Here are a few reasons why:
Firstly, EV drivers are often in need of a charging station and will actively seek out hotels that offer this service. This means that hotels without EV chargers on their property may be missing out on potential customers who are willing to pay a premium for the convenience of charging their vehicle while staying at a hotel.
Secondly, offering EV chargers can help hotels to attract a growing segment of the market that is environmentally conscious and looking for sustainable travel options. In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by JD Power, 75% of EV owners said they are more likely to stay at a hotel that offers EV charging.
Lastly, offering EV chargers can differentiate a hotel from its competitors and position it as a leader in the hospitality industry. As more and more hotels adopt EV chargers, those without them risk falling behind in terms of innovation and customer experience.
Offering EV chargers on a hotel property can increase the hotel's brand awareness in several ways:
Firstly, by offering a valuable service like EV charging, hotels can improve their reputation and position themselves as leaders in the hospitality industry. This can lead to increased word-of-mouth advertising and positive reviews, both of which can increase brand awareness.
Secondly, EV drivers often use apps and websites that list locations with charging stations, such as PlugShare and Google Maps. By offering EV chargers, hotels can be listed on such platforms and increase their visibility to a wider audience of potential customers. This can lead to increased brand awareness and potentially attract new customers who are searching for hotels with EV charging.
Additionally, hotels that offer EV charging can also benefit from positive press and media coverage. With the growing interest in sustainability and environmental consciousness, hotels that adopt EV charging are likely to be seen as forward-thinking and environmentally conscious, which can lead to positive press and increased brand awareness.
Offering EV chargers on a hotel property can help hotels align themselves with environmentally conscious brands in several ways:
Firstly, by offering EV charging, hotels can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can be especially appealing to environmentally conscious travelers who are looking for eco-friendly travel options. By offering EV charging, hotels can show that they are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and supporting sustainable transportation.
Secondly, EV charging is seen as an environmentally friendly service, and hotels that offer it can benefit from association with that image. This can help to enhance a hotel's brand affiliation with environmentally conscious brands and position it as a leader in sustainability. This can also help to attract a growing segment of the market that is interested in sustainable travel options.
Installing EV chargers can require a significant upfront investment, but it can also provide a long-term return on investment (ROI) in several ways:
Firstly, offering EV charging can attract new customers who are willing to pay a premium for the convenience of charging their vehicle while staying at a hotel. This can lead to increased revenue and help to offset the initial installation costs.
Secondly, hotels can charge a fee for non-guests using their EV chargers, which can provide an additional source of revenue. Many EV drivers are willing to pay for charging, especially when it's conveniently located near where they work, live or play.
Offering EV charging can enhance a hotel's revenue in several ways, beyond just the direct revenue generated from charging fees.
One way is through enhanced spending on other hotel amenities. EV drivers are often affluent and may be more likely to spend money on other hotel amenities such as food and drink, spa services, or entertainment while they wait for their car to charge. By offering EV charging, hotels can attract this valuable demographic and generate additional ancillary revenue through enhanced spending.
Additionally, offering EV charging can help to increase brand loyalty and customer retention, which can lead to long-term revenue generation. By providing a valuable service like EV charging, hotels can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat business. Repeat business can be very valuable to hotels, as loyal customers are often more likely to spend money on other amenities and recommend the hotel to others.
The installation of EV chargers on hotel properties is a smart investment that can pay off both in the short and long-term, and can help hotels differentiate themselves from their competitors in the increasingly competitive hospitality industry.